Monday, April 23, 2007

Illinois Toll Road Fines.

The following is the opinion of a
NY Freedom Rider.

While reading the press release from the Illinois DOT,
something struck me as odd when I came to and read these

“Next week is Work Zone Safety Week and the traditional beginning to highway construction season. We want to send a message to motorists now to slow down in work zones,” IDOT Secretary Timothy W. Martin said. “If you are caught speeding in a work zone, at minimum you will be looking at a fine of $375, at worst, you can kill yourself, a loved one or a worker.”

Under enhanced penalties passed by the Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Rod Blagojevich last year, first-time work zone speeders, including those caught on camera, will be hit with a fine of $375, with $125 of that sum going to pay off-duty State Troopers to provide added enforcement in construction or maintenance zones. Two-time offenders are subject to a $1,000 fine, including a $250 surcharge to hire Troopers, and the loss of their license for 90 days.

Starting in July, State Troopers will deploy specially equipped vans that can take photographs of drivers speeding in IDOT and Tollway construction and maintenance zones. Tickets will be issued by mail to vehicle owners.

In addition, drivers who hit a worker are subject for up to a $10,000 fine and 14 years in prison.”

Now, isn’t it odd that the fines for speeding in an Illinois
construction zone and “hitting a worker” are so much more
severe than hitting or killing a motorcyclist anywhere else?

Where is the equity, the equality, the justice?

Grey Wolf
a New York Freedom Rider.